“These women's lives in the context of a France that seemed on the brink of exploding, provide the opportunity for an “inside view” of part of one of the most consequential mass migrations in the world today as the Islamic population of Europe grows.”
- Paul Stekler, Director of Last Man Standing
"Offers a provocative look at three immigrant women engaged in carving out a place for themselves and their families in the bustling city of Marseilles. A timely engagement with issues of gender and immigration in France, Lange's documentary can be used in Women's Studies classes that focus on international and transnational dynamics and those that deal more specifically with the topic of immigration."
- Catherine Raissiguier, Films for the Feminist Classroom Journal
"The film provides a poignant look into the lives of North African Muslim women who had migrated into France and, facing disadvantage and discrimination, formed their own self-help organization: Women from Here and Afar. Suitable for high school and college courses in cultural anthropology, anthropology of women, anthropology of immigration/diaspora, anthropology of Islam, and European studies, as well as general audiences."
- Jack David Eller, Anthropology Review Database