"BEYOND THE BRICKS allows us the ability to experience the world of brilliant young males who made a reasoned decision to disengage from school, and their brave journey to return. With powerful commentary from experts, community leaders, school administrators and politicians, BEYONG THE BRICKS demonstrates that the problem of school failing Black males is too grave to ignore, and the solutions are too basic to neglect."
- Dr. Ivory Toldson, Howard University professor and author of BREAKING BARRIERS
"BEYOND THE BRICKS helps us to understand where the system has failed our children."
- Dr. Adelaide Sanford, Vice Chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents
"The real power and beauty of BEYOND THE BRICKS is its potential to be a catalyst for community mobilization, advocacy action campaigns and policy change conversations. The lasting impact this film brings to its audience emerges after the closing credits when the action steps are made to stop American's slow-drip Katrina."
- Shawn Dove, Open Society Institute's Campaign for Black Male Achievement
"At the end of the presentation I was really touched... The film had a powerful message as far as a wakeup call for today's youth. We have to look at this issue as a national crisis for young African-Americans so that we can have a positive effect on the generations to come."
- Audience member at community screening