"This excellent documentary...is a powerful, accessible, and gentle approach to pregnancy and childbirth that will be of interest to those who study women?s issues, sociology, parenting, medicine, South American culture, and the Portuguese language. Highly recommended for high school students, college students, adult viewers, and the libraries that serve them."
- Sean Patrick Knowlton, Educational Media Reviews Online
"Cesarean birth rates in Brazil are more than double the numbers recommended by the World Health Organization... With U.S. cesarean rates also exceeding the who's recommendation, this film about birth practices in Brazil is relevant to North American audiences as well as our South American neighbors. Recommended for most health collections."
- A. Cantu, Video Librarian
"BORN IN BRAZIL is an excellent documentary that shows how women?s lack of information, and health sectors? internal interests often, as in this case, undermine the interests of a woman and her children. This documentary reminds us of the need to place women?s reproductive health and rights issues, including the provision of quality care at the time of labor, foremost in the delivery of health-care services."
- Center for Reproductive Rights, Center for Reproductive Rights