Filmmakers and Producers

Mabel Maio


Japan Across the Seas
Mabel Maio
1998, 48 min., Color, Argentina
The Japanese who have settled in Argentina since the end of the 19th century came for many reasons: wanderlust, good farming, and even a love for tango. Japan Across The Seas weaves together the tales of the old and the young, the Japanese-born and the second-generation, to tell the history of the m...

The Quilmes According to Miguel Mamani
Mabel Maio
2007, 22 min., Color, Argentina
Decimated during the Spanish colonization and vilified by Argentina's official history, the Quilmes remain alive in the ruins of their ancient city and in the passionate voice of Miguel Mamani, a proud descendant of this indigenous tribe. Drawing on oral tradition and the writings of Jesuit scholars...

Ritual Rhythms: Candombe
Mabel Maio
1999, 48 min., Color, Uruguay
This documentary explores the history and modern reality of candombe, the drum music of Uruguay's black parade bands. It is a way of life that was born in the musical gatherings of slaves in urban marketplaces and plazas. Despite persistent racism, past and present, the 200,000 Uruguayans of African...

Tinku Kamayu
Mabel Maio
2008, 30 min., Color, Argentina
This inspiring documentary tells the story of a group of Indigenous women who responded to Argentina's economic crisis by rediscovering the ancestral tradition of spinning and weaving wool. They call themselves “Tinku Kamayu” which means in the Quechua language “working together”....

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TWN acknowledges that in New York we are on the unceded territory of the Lenni Lenape, Canarsie, Shinecock, and Munsee peoples and challenges the harm that continues to be inflicted upon Indigenous and People of Color communities here and abroad, which is why we all need to be part of the struggle for rights, equality and justice.

TWN is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, Color Congress, MOSAIC, New York Community Trust, Peace Development Fund, Ford Foundation, Golden Globe Foundation, Kolibri Foundation and individual donors.